Please keep in mind that if you are booking a commission request through us, there is a chance that the artist may ask for cash up front at the show. If they do and they are not able to complete your ​request we will try our best to get a refund from them or to have them finish your commission at home. To date we have had no issues either obtaining a refund or unfinished art at a later date for clients.

It is important to note if you book us for a pick up for a pre con sketch that you set up with an artist, we do not guarantee that all art will be picked up 100% of the time. Please keep this in mind as you are setting up these commissions. We try our best to get to each and every artists at the times they are at their tables. However there are times where an artist has to leave early to catch a flight and we are not able to reach them in time for the pick up. If for some reason we are unable to pick up your request we will email you the day of the show and provide a refund for our pick up fee within 24 hours. We are not responsible for any art that is not picked up that we did not book. It is your responsibility to contact the artist and make arrangements with them about your art.

​For CGC books and other Items it is important to note that we do not guarantee that all signatures will be obtained. Some creators are ticketed at cons and if we cannot get a ticket we cannot get the signature. If we do not obtain a signature we will refund the signing fee. That is all, we are not responsible for the full cost of multisignature items that did not get completed. WE WILL ONLY REFUND YOU FOR THE MISSED SIGNATURES. If you send a yellow or blue label CGC slab to us to be cracked and we do not obtain the signature we will reimburse you for our fees. But we will not reimburse you the fee that CGC charges to regrade your book. This is a risk that you choose to take when you send in CGC lables to be cracked and signed.

We do not ensure a grade will stay the same for CGC books that are cracked , signed and regraded. We try our best to treat each and every book with the utmost respect just like we do our own. Please remember that a cracked book is resubmitted to CGC all over again to be regraded. Once again, we are not responsible if you choose to have a slab cracked for signature series and it comes back a lower grade. We are also not responsible for any items

We are not responsible for signature placement (unless we made the window bag), signature colors, or signature smears/smudges. Please remember you are asking another person to write their name on your book/item. While it is very rare and highly unlikely sometimes issues do arise that are out of our control. Such as a personal home prepped window bag being sent to us that is to small for someone to fit their name in, a paint pen bursting while the creator is signing, or a creator being allergic to a certain kind of marker. If something like this did occur our customer service team would try their best to resolve the issue to your satisfaction. But please be aware that is simply because we value your business not because we are financially responsible for the item. Once again, we are in no way obligated to replace or purchase an item that may sustain an unflattering signature.

Please be aware that ComicSketchArt is a fully insured company. You collectibles while in our possession are insured for Loss, Severe Damage and Theft. The value of any lost items will be determined using recent GPA Sales Data from http://comics.gpanalysis.com/gpaforcomics_features.asp . If you do not agree with their evaluation of your property through that site, we require a written appraisal from at least 3 overstreet advisors, to submit to our insurance company.

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